Joint Utilities Income-Qualified and Clean Energy Programs Workshop
Date | 11/09/2022 |
Time | 01:00 PM |
Location | Remote access via Microsoft Teams or phone |
Call-in-Number | 415-906-0873 |
Participant PASSCODE | 965 456 054# |
Webcast | |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) will hold an Income-qualified and Clean Energy Programs Workshop (Workshop) -- a forum for California’s income-qualified program administrators (PAs) to connect, collaborate, and improve program coordination for the benefit of households and communities the programs are intended to serve.
Workshop objectives include:
- Creating connections and fostering opportunities for relationship development and networking across California’s income-qualified program administrator community,
- Providing program administrators with information on income-qualified programs and/or approaches,
- Discussing barriers and shared successes to building program partnerships, and
- Highlighting examples of successful program coordination that could be modeled and/or expanded
The following programs are anticipated to be discussed: Energy Savings Assistance (ESA), California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE), Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA), San Joaquin Valley Disadvantaged Communities (SJV DAC) Pilot, Disadvantaged Communities Green Tariff (DAC-GT) Program, Community Solar Green Tariff (CS-GT) Program, IOU Equity Electric Vehicle programs (e.g., Empower EV, Pre-Owned EV Rebate Program and others); Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH), and Disadvantaged Communities – Single-Family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) Program.
The webinar will take place on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, from 1-4 p.m.
Final meeting materials—including workshop presentations, updated agenda, and supplemental documents—will be posted to PDA (!/documents/2732/view) in advance of the Workshop.
Meeting information
- Location: Remote access via Microsoft Teams or phone
- Microsoft Teams: Click here to join the meeting
- Meeting ID: 237 506 449 016
- Passcode: AAUiVS
- Phone: 415-906-0873, access code: 965456054#
- Phone Conference ID: 965 456 054#
- Microsoft Teams: Click here to join the meeting