Safety Assurance
Assuring that the entities the CPUC regulates comply with the law and have sufficient training and resources to ensure the safety of the public, their workers, and the environment. This includes investigations, proactive safety inspection of records, carrier inspections, and related enforcement activities.

Citation Authority
On November 5, 2020, the CPUC passed Resolution M-4846, adopting the Commission Enforcement Policy, which permits CPUC staff to use existing enforcement tools and procedures. The Transportation Enforcement Branch issues citations for violations of the Public Utilities Code, General Orders, and state and federal laws. Citations may arise out of an ongoing investigation, via a consumer complaint, proactive safety inspection of records, or a field operation.
On July 1, 1992, the CPUC passed Resolution CE 2-92, which permits the increase in amounts of fines that the Transportation Enforcement Branch may impose under the citation forfeiture procedure. The maximum citation that can be imposed is $20,000, per CE 2-92. If the citation exceeds $20,000, staff may utilize the enforcement tools described in Resolution M-4846 to pursue a higher penalty based on Commission approval.
2024 Citations Issued
Citation Number | Date Served | Case # | Carrier Legal Name | Probable Code Violation(s) | Fine Amount | Status |
T.24-01-001 | 01-09-24 | PSG-5938 | Arjuna Transportation LLC | Operated at an airport without an airport authority | $3,000 | Paid two of six- months payment plan |
T.24-01-002 | 01-11-24 | PSG-5887 | Southwest Transportation Inc. | Operated as an unlicensed broker | $6,000 | Due 02-02-24 |
T.24-01-003 | 01-12-24 | PSG-5942 | ERO Transportation Inc. | Engaged employees without WKCP; Failed to enroll drivers in EPN; Failed to enroll drivers in drug & alcohol program; Failed to maintain & produce records | $20,000 | Due 02-02-24 |
T.24-01-004 | 01-12-24 | PSG-5950 | AMR 77 Corporation | Underreported gross revenue and underpaid PUCTRA fees for 2020, 2021, & 2022 | $3,000 | Paid three of six- months payment plan |
T.24-01-005 | 01-17-24 | PSG-5941 | Tikero Group Inc | Failed to have workers' compensation; Failed to enroll employees in the DMV EPN program; Failed to enroll employee-drivers in the CSAT Program; Failed to maintain records | $20,000 | Due 02-06-24 |
T.24-01-006 | 01-17-24 | PSG-5910 | London Rose Tours LLC | Failed to maintain a current equipment statement and failed to enroll drivers in DMV EPN program | $4,000 | Due 02-09-24 |
T.24-01-007 | 01-19-24 | PSG-5925 | Casitas Oceanside Two LP | Failed to provide records. | $2,000 |
Due 02-09-24 |
T.24-01-008 | 01-24-24 | PSG-5939 | Blackline Holdings Inc | Failed to enroll drivers in the DMV EPN program; Failed to enroll employees in drug pre-employment testing program; Failed to maintain records | $20,000 | Due 02-14-24 |
T.24-01-009 | 01-24-24 | PSG-5940 | Presidential Express Inc | Engaged employees without WKCP; Failed to enroll drivers in DMV EPN; Failed to enroll drivers in drug & alcohol program; Failed to maintain records | $20,000 | Due 02-13-24 |
T.24-02-001 | 02-15-24 | CSE-000047 | Luca's Luxury Limousine LLC | Advertising without authority | $2,000 | Paid two of four-month payment plan |
T.24-02-002 | 02-12-24 | PSG-5966 | SFSafe Road LLC | Engaged employees without WKCP; Failed to enroll drivers in EPN; Failed to enroll drivers in drug & alcohol program | $6,000 | Due 03-04-24 |
T.24-03-001 | 03-26-24 | CSE-000061 | Bauer’s Hotel Shuttle, LLC | Operating after expiration | $20,000 | Appeal |
T.24-03-002 | 03-19-24 | PSG-5967 | Jesiel Pereira Dos Santos | Operating after expiration; no airport permit | $8,000 | Due 04-08-24 |
T.24-03-003 | 03-15-24 | CSE-000053 | Lyft, Inc. | Failed to maintain records for required retention period; Utilized drivers without a background check; Failed to obtain driver records; Failed to notify a driver with required training; Failed to ensure that driver possessed a valid driver's license; Conducted operations using unauthorized drivers; Failed to maintain records of driver's personal insurance; Failure to provide passengers with proper driver information disclosures; Conducted operations on airport property without authorization | $20,000 | Paid in Full |
T.24-03-004 | 03-26-24 | PSG-5964 | ALES, LLC | Engaged employees without WKCP; Failed to enroll drivers in EPN; Failed to enroll drivers in drug & alcohol program | $7,000 | Due 04-06-24 |
T.24-03-005 | 03-25-24 | PSG-5959 | Five Star Limousine of LA LLC | Operated after revocation; Engaged employees without WKCP; Operated without PL&PD insurance, Illegal advertising. | $6,000 | Paid one out of six-month payments plan |
T.24-03-007 | 03-26-24 | CSE-000051 | Baja Star Tours | Conducted three (3) trips while TCP permit/application was inactive. | $6,000 | Monthly Payment Plan |
T.24-04-001 | 04-02-24 | PSG-5903 | Saied Amin | Operating after suspension; No airport permit | $6,000 | Due 04-23-24 |
T.24-04-002 | 04-15-24 | CSE-000039 | LL Services Principe LLC | Engaged employees without WKCP; Employee not enrolled in EPN; Employee not enrolled in Drug & Alcohol program. | $4,000 | Due 05-05-24 |
Charts & Metrics
Consumer Protection Enforcement Division - Monthly Activity Reports