We investigate water service quality issues and analyze and process utility rate change requests.
Consumer Programs and Services
Proceedings and Advice Letters
Water & Sewer Updates
Water Programs and Services for Consumers

Water utility financial assistance from water companies.

Advises on low-income utility customer issues and serves as a liaison for the Commission to low-income ratepayers and representatives.

Depending on your household income, you may qualify for discounted water services.
Regulatory Resources
All public utilities doing business in California are required to file reports as specified by the Commission of the utilities' operations.
Please view our home page for more up-to-date information
Advice Letter Cover Sheet, Workpapers, Tariff Rules, Applications, and more.
Creating and Modifying Standard Practices under General Orders, procedures, and more information on water standard practices.
Please use the link below to access information regarding Advice Letters.
It is required by law that all Public Water Systems prepare and distribute to its customers by July 1st of every year a Consumer Confidence Report.
Background information, restrictions, and requirements for drought and water conservation.
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is responsible for managing and protecting California’s water.