Workshop on Incentive Layering for Building Decarbonization
Thank you to all who participated in this workshop. A recording of the workshop is available here.
Incentive Layer Workshop Final Presentation
Energy Division will hold a public workshop to discuss possible approaches to the issue of incentive layering for California's Building Decarbonization programs.
Introduction: According to D.20-03-027, “…we direct Energy Division staff to conduct a workshop, after the adoption of this decision, to focus on stakeholder concern for ‘fund-stacking.’ From this workshop, Energy Division staff will produce a staff proposal with a framework for how to address funding when combining incentives from separate program budgets.”
The CPUC has a number of demand side programs that are providing incentives for building decarbonization measures, some of which have differing rules regarding evaluating cost effectiveness, and differing measures of success. In addition, their program offerings may overlap, leading the possibility for customers to layer multiple incentives for the same measure.
These include, but are not limited to, the following programs: Energy Efficiency (EE), Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), Demand Response (DR), Building Decarbonization (BD), and programs targeting low income customers and disadvantaged communities. This workshop will discuss the interactions for the various incentive programs, when it is appropriate for customers to combine incentives, and when it is not. The workshop will also discuss program evaluation, shared resources between programs, and how to attribute savings to multiple programs.
Please contact Rory Cox ( with any questions.
9 to 9:30 AM - Introduction (CPUC and CEC Staff)
Rory Cox, California Public Utilities Commission
9:30 to 10:10 AM - Current landscape of incentives and evaluation methods
Carmen Best, Recurve
Katie Wu, Gridworks
Ralph Dinola, New Building Institute
10:10 to 10:50 – Non-IOU Program Administrator Perspective
Beckie Menten, East Bay Community Energy
Jennifer West, Bay Area Regional Energy Network
Scott Blunk, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District
10:50 to 11:00 - Break
11:00 to 11:40 - IOU Panel
Michelle Thomas, SCE
Jose Buendia, SCE
Other IOU panelists to be determined
11:40 to 12:20 – Questions and Comments
12:20 to 12:30 – Next steps
The CPUC has a number of demand side programs that are providing incentives for building decarbonization measures, some of which have differing rules regarding evaluating cost effectiveness, and differing measures of success. In addition, their program offerings may overlap, leading the possibility for customers to layer multiple incentives for the same measure.
These include, but are not limited to, the following programs: Energy Efficiency (EE), Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP), Demand Response (DR), Building Decarbonization (BD), and programs targeting low income customers and disadvantaged communities. This workshop will discuss the interactions for the various incentive programs, when it is appropriate for customers to combine incentives, and when it is not. The workshop will also discuss program evaluation, shared resources between programs, and how to attribute savings to multiple programs.
Please contact Rory Cox ( with any questions.
9 to 9:30 AM - Introduction (CPUC and CEC Staff)
- 5 goals, 3 sources of funding, 1 class of appliances
- State goals for Building Decarbonization – (Kw savings, GHG reduction vs. Load shifting)
Rory Cox, California Public Utilities Commission
9:30 to 10:10 AM - Current landscape of incentives and evaluation methods
- Are they complementary or contradictory?
- Can (or should) two incentives be used for the same item?
- How can resources be shared across programs?
Carmen Best, Recurve
Katie Wu, Gridworks
Ralph Dinola, New Building Institute
10:10 to 10:50 – Non-IOU Program Administrator Perspective
- How should their programs work with IOU programs?
Beckie Menten, East Bay Community Energy
Jennifer West, Bay Area Regional Energy Network
Scott Blunk, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District
10:50 to 11:00 - Break
11:00 to 11:40 - IOU Panel
- What do IOUs propose for managing different incentive programs? IOUs to present a single proposal.
Michelle Thomas, SCE
Jose Buendia, SCE
Other IOU panelists to be determined
11:40 to 12:20 – Questions and Comments
12:20 to 12:30 – Next steps